BBQ Chicken Salad and I am back!!!


I know that it has been well over 2 years from my last blog post.  A lot has happened in the past 2 years that I wasn't able to do my passion.  I got a new job and then lost 2 of my grandparents and then a few months later lost my Uncle to Cancer.  So I just sort of didn't want to really cook or blog at that point in time.  But over the past year I have found out that I have really enjoyed missing this and being able to cook for family and friends and share my passion again.  My family was very important to me and when we would all get together it was always around food and that is why I haven't had a reason to cook because I was associating it with family get togethers that went on the back burner.  So I am going to go back to what I love because it is a great way for my express my creativity in the kitchen.  I have to eat so might as well enjoy it!! 
The first blog I am writing is one that I am excited about sharing with you all it is my BBQ Chicken Salad.  This is one that I came up with the other day when we had made 2 Beer Can Chickens which you can get from my second blog I ever did.  I had a whole Chicken left over and wasn't in the mood to just eat chicken again.  It was hot outside and I wanted something cool.  So I thought Chicken Salad but I am going to change a few ingredients and make it a BBQ Chicken Salad. 
Ingredients: 1 Whole Beer Can Chicken, 1 cup finely chopped Red Onion, 1 cup chopped Celery, 3 hardboiled Eggs chopped, 1/2 cup chopped Pecans, 1 cup Mayo, 1/4 cup BBQ Sauce (Original HEB), 1/4 cup Sweet Jalapeno Relish, Salt and Pepper.
So first you will want to cook the beer can chicken and let it cool to touch.  Debone the chicken and cut up into bite size pieces and place in a large bowl.  Place your Pecans on a cookies sheet and roast in the oven at 350 for about 5 minutes or just till you start to smell them and then remove them and let them cool.  Add to the bowl the onion, celery, eggs, relish, pecans and season with a little bit of salt and pepper.  In another bowl mix together the mayo and bbq sauce.  Add half of the mayo mixture to the chicken salad and mix together and then add the other half and mix it together till it is all combined.  Serve immediately or chill in the fridge till ready to serve.  Either eat it on a sandwich, with crackers or just grab a spoonful! Enjoy!!

This Salad has everything that you could ever want. The chicken is moist and has a nice smoky flavor. The onion adds a nice bite to the salad and with the celery you get a great crunch refreshing flavor.  The relish is spicy but doesn't overwhelm the entire dish.  The pecans you get a nice roasted flavor that also adds a crunch and eggs add creamy texture to the salad.  It has a really great balance of different flavors and textures that make you keep going back for more.  To me it taste even better the next day due to that the salad has had time to blend all together and really enhance the flavor.  I hope that y'all enjoy this dish as much as me and my family have.  Until next time and have a great day and keep doing what you love and have passion for!!


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