
Hey Y'all,

    I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend and it turned out to be a gorgeous one at that!!!!  We have been so busy with work and Allie being at school, we have neglected to be blogging.  This is what happens when people just decide to walk out of work one day and never too return.  So needless to say between the two jobs I have just enough time to breath and then move on. LOL!!! Now with us hiring a new girl, I will have more time to do what I love and that is this BLOG!!!!  We have been busy working on planting the garden and working in the yard.  I will be bringing y'all pictures later when we get the project finish.  My goal is to do one of blog a day this week to catch y'all up on the recipes that we have been doing.  So here is the first one which are the best brownies that I have ever made and anyone can do them.
    For the ingredients you will need 1 box Betty Crocker Family Size Fudge Brownie Mix, 1 bag Dark Chocolate Chips, 1 pkg. (6-8 oz.) Pecan Halves, and 1 Hershey Milk Chocolate bar.
    First thing is grease a 13x9x2 Pyrex dish with butter and cocoa powder.  Heat the oven to 350.  On a cookie sheet spread out the Pecan halves and roast them for about 5 to 10 minutes or until you can smell them.  While the Pecans are roasting take a mixing bowl and mix the brownie mix according to the directions on the package.  Then add the Dark Chocolate Chips and chop the Hershey bar and mix together with the brownie mix.  Then add the Pecans to the brownie mixture and mix together.  Pour the mixture into the Pyrex dish.  Bake at 350 for about 25 - 30 minutes.  Take them out of the oven and let them sit for about 10 minutes, then cut and serve with Cool Whip.

    These Brownies so moist, sweet, chocolaty, and gooey!!!!!  I have made these time and time again, and everybody loves them.  They are the perfect go to dessert in the spring and summer because 90% of the time you have most of the ingredients already on hand.  I have tried many different recipes on making a brownie mix from scratch and none of them have that fudge texture that I like in my brownies.  You can always change it up by using different chocolates, adding peanut butter, dried cranberries or add some fresh brew coffee to them.  There is endless possibilities with brownies and just have fun with it.  I hope that you and your family enjoys these brownies as much as mine have.  Next time I am going to bring you a Anti Pasta Pasta Salad.  It is so light and refreshing for the warmer weather we are having.  Hope y'all have a wonderful evening and see you again real soon.


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